The Impact of Hazard, Risk and Disasters on Societies
Confirmed plenary keynote speakers:
Prof. Eelco Dykstra, 11th Brunel International Lecturer 2016-2018, Institution of Civil Engineers
Natural hazards have significant impacts on human populations and societies. Impacts arise from complex interactions between natural environmental processes, combined with human social and cultural processes. Mitigating, managing and adapting to natural hazards relies on improving anticipation of disasters and their impacts to inform preparedness and response to such events, which is essential to support efforts to limit their impacts on mortality, human health, wellbeing and livelihoods. The Sendai Framework and Sustainable Development Goals were both adopted in 2015 with the aim to better support those living with hazard and risk. Achievement of these goals depends on effective communication amongst academic researchers, hazard managers, civil defence teams, governmental and humanitarian agencies, and at-risk communities.
To celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the Institute of Hazard, Risk & Resilience (IHRR) based at Durham University, the IHRR has come together with the 11th Dealing with Disasters (DwD) Conference, Disaster and Development Network (DDN) based in Northumbria University, to organise this international conference. Our aim is to bring together practitioners, researchers, humanitarian agencies and hazard managers to present and discuss the latest understanding and challenges around managing hazards and surviving disasters. For this event, broad interpretations of hazard, risk and resilience will be considered in keeping with demands for new strategic developments in this field globally, regionally and more locally.
The conference will be focused on the following themes:
- Predicting and forecasting hazardous events and their associated risk
- Managing hazard and risk
- Visions for disaster risk reduction
- Growing resilience
- Health and wellbeing in disasters
- Security of natural resources, such as water
- Impacts of hazards on communities, culture and heritage
- Sustainable development in disaster-prone areas
- Mobility, displacement and refugees
For mroe information, to submit a paper or register your interest, please see here.
Photo credit: United Nations Development Programme via Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND