In this roundtable conversation, contributors to the homonymous July 2021 special issue of Global Policy (edited by Kendra Dupuy, Luc Fransen and Aseem Prakash) will discuss trends in the clampdown on CSOs, focusing on how particular types of organizations are impacted (including the ways in which restrictions impact on organizational operations), how restrictions can change the balance between civil society actors and rival ideological perspectives and enable the rise of new civil society actors attacking existing CSOs, how they can shape popular attitudes and donor funds and, most importantly, how civil society organizations respond to restrictions and attempt to push back.
- Luc Fransen, Associate Professor of International Relations, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
- Marjoke Oosterom, Research fellow and lecturer, Institute of Development Studies (IDS)- University of Sussex (UK)
- Inés M. Pousadela, Senior Research Specialist, CIVICUS; Professor at Universidad ORT (Uruguay)
- Lise Rakner, Professor, Department of Comparative Politics-University of Bergen (Norway)
- Lisa-Marie Selvik, Ph.d. candidate, Department of Comparative Politics- University of Bergen (Norway)
- Kendra Dupuy, Senior Researcher, Fridtjof Nansen Institute; Affiliated researcher, Peace Research Institute Oslo & Chr. Michelsen Institute (Norway)
Please see here to Register for the open event.